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Natural Astaxanthin

  • Super Anti-oxidant
  • Protect skin from the sun, smooth wrinkles
  • Improve memory
  • Improve elasticity of your arteries


Natural Astaxanthin

  • Super Anti-oxidant
  • Protect skin from the sun, smooth wrinkles
  • Improve memory
  • Improve elasticity of your arteries


  • It’s 6000 times more powerful an antioxidant and immune booster than Vitamin C…
  • It's 800x stronger than CoQ10 at fighting free radicals
  • It’s 540 times stronger than Vitamin E...and
  • It’s a better protector against early aging than drinking green tea every morning - over 500% better. 

This Micronutrient Can...

  • Improve vision to the point where you no longer need glasses...
  • Kill invasive cells and stop oxidation in its tracks...
  • Prevent cognitive decline and radically improve your memory...
  • Improve your skin’s appearance by smoothing wrinkles, making age spots disappear
  • Drastically improve energy and endurance levels (this nutrient is what helps salmon to swim thousands of miles upstream for weeks on end...)
  • Prevent heart damage and high blood pressure...naturally improving the elasticity of the walls of your arteries
  • Boost male fertility by making your 'swimmers' stronger
  • Soothe the pain of aging in the joints9
  • Slow brain aging…
  • Increase stem cell potency...


When you buy Purexanthin, you know you're getting a high quality product that can improve your health FAST. 

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Unconditional Lifetime Money-Back Guarantee
On All Purchases

Money-Back Guarantee
Made In USA Organic No Hormones No Antibiotics Non GMO Full Spectrum Certified Hemp Autority

What People Are Saying About Us

This works great for giving you energy! I can feel it working, which is just not the case with so many supplements and powders. I feel a mild jolt about 15 minutes after I take it and I can feel my face and scalp heat up. Oh, and my wife seems to like that I'm taking it too ;)

- IamSparta (verified buyer)

In less than 2 weeks of daily collagen doses, I was totally without cellulite!!! As in GONE! I've had cellulite since I was 10 (thanks family heredity)


I wish I had known of this product 20 years ago. Most of my aches are gone and the deep lines and crepe paper skin are fading away.

- Debbie Grishow Pedersen

I started using Proflexorol about 2 months ago and I noticed great results right away, now I take two pills everyday,, much better flexibilty in my joints and I can walk much easier, getting out of bed is way easier too,, highly recomend!

- Robert Ridley
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