Optimum Digestion Plus
The Perfect Blend of Probiotics, Prebiotics and Enzymes
Optimum Digestion Plus
Scientifically-Proven Ingredients
All-Natural & Allergen-Free
Lifetime Satisfaction Guarantee
Now you can eat what you want with
Optimum Digestion Plus
- Healthy, robust digestion that won't leave you bloated and constipated
- No more diarrhea, constipation or difficult bowel movements
- Get the essential nutrients from your food and excrete the rest easily
- You’ll have more energy
- You’ll think clearer
- You’ll avoid colds and the flu better
- Less heartburn, bloating, cramping and gas
- Lose weight easily
- Enjoy over-eating a little more too!
Optimum Digestion Can Help You Digest All This:
Enjoy Your Food Again With
Optimum Digestion Plus
- Enjoy eating out again without upset stomach, indigestion and cramping
- Lose weight easily when you excrete the bad stuff from your diet
- Have all-day energy when you're extracting the proper nutrients from your food.
Here's Why Our Clients Love
Optimum Digestion Plus
They can digest gluten, dairy, eggs, and much more
They have better energy and moods
No more leaky gut, gas, bloating, and diarrhea
They can finally have their favorite foods again
Worried AboutMicroplastics?
Microplastics are EVERYWHERE. Your water, your food, your air!
Sadly, there's not much you can do about it. You can filter your water, but you can't filter everything you drink and breathe. And studies have shown that even an organic apple can have up to 300,000 tiny pieces of plastic in it.
These plastics are now associated with hormone disruption, tumors, cognitive decline, blood sugar problems, and extreme weight gain.
So what can you do?
You can make sure you have a healthy digestive system. Your digestive tract is your first defense against microplastics. A robust digestive system with a healthy microbiome and without 'leaky gut' is the best way to escort these poisonous particles out of your system!
You won't find another formula with this exact, scientifically formulated recipe anywhere else. Optimum Digestion can help you take control of your digestion and say goodbye to those nasty plastics that are everywhere. Just click the Buy Now button to get stared.
Every Batch Tested for Safety And Quality
First our lab tests every ingredient as it comes in the door. 30% of our ingredients are rejected for quality reasons.
Then our manufacturing methods adhere to all FDA and National Sanitation Foundation standards - which are the highest in the world.
Finally, every batch of finished product undergoes rigorous testing for contaminants, mold, toxins, bacteria and much more.
We also test for ingredient content to make sure what is on the label is what you get - in every single bottle.
You can trust Healthy Living Association, because we do. Our team takes our products every day.
About Us
Meet the Team
Healthy Living was founded in Colorado in 2011.
We were suffering from many of the same issues our clients suffer from and we sought relief for years. Kriss and Chaz had a lot of digestion issues, especially with gluten and dairy.
Fortunately we found that combining digestive enzymes and probiotics gave us almost-instant relief. Now we love helping people just like you enjoy food again.
And now we’re working to spread the word.
- Kriss Berg & Chaz Shively
Our Mission:
Our goal is to help 1 million people get relief every day and help people get off of dangerous prescription drugs. We believe that western medicine is failing millions of people, and we want to empower people to take control of their health without dangerous drugs or surgery.
Our Advisor: Dr. Greg Smith
Dr. Greg got a degree from Harvard Medical School and was a practicing physician in the Army for two decades.
Now he dedicates his time to alternative health research and helping people find natural solutions to their problems. He has over 20 published studies.
Meet our doctor:
Dr. Greg Smith
- Graduated from Harvard Medical School
- Served as a doctor at the Walter Reed Medical Center near Washington DC
- Treated a wide variety of problems in veterans and civilians for the last 40 years
Frequently Asked Questions
Review our FAQ Section before contacting support
What is in Optimum Digestion Plus?
OD+ is a revolutionary formula containing prebiotics, probiotics, and digestive enzymes. See, probiotics don’t actually digest anything, only enzymes do. So to transform your digestion, you need enzymes!
Who should take OD+?
Anyone experiencing digestive issues like heartburn, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, or other digestive problems on a regular basis.
Why can’t I buy it in stores?
We sell direct to consumer to avoid the major markups that stores have. By buying directly from us we can guarantee you’re getting the best price right here.
How do I take OD+?
We suggest taking 3 capsules every morning with food. You can also take an extra dose if you’re expecting to have a big meal, or you know you’re going to eat something that usually gives you digestive trouble.
Can I eat anything I want if I take OD+?
If you are truly allergic to food, OD+ (or anything other digestive aid) cannot help you. This is made for people who have intolerances and digestive issues.
Can it help with gluten, dairy, soy, or other digestive problems?
Yes, it is specifically formulated to help people process hard-to-digest foods
What if I have more questions?
Just email barbara@healthylivingassociation.org and we’ll answer your question within 24 hours!
How do I get it?
Just click the Buy Now button and add to cart!
Now you can have smooth, mess-free, and fast bathroom breaks with Optimum Digestion Plus. This is the only formula with this exact combination of probiotics, prebiotics and digestive enzymes.
Did you know?
Probiotics don't actually digest your food. Digestive enzymes in your mouth, stomach and intestines digest and extract key nutrients from your food. Probiotics simply support digestive enzymes.
So if you want clean, healthy digestion, you MUST have a blend of digestive enzymes along with probiotics and prebiotics like Optimum Digestion Plus.
Now you can:
- Shed pounds easier
- Enjoy your favorite foods again
- Get rid of gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea
- Have more energy and less time in the bathroom
It's all right here:
- 8 different digestive enzymes for people who have trouble digesting gluten, dairy, soy, nuts, eggs, nightshades, fish, shellfish, and much more.
- Our proprietary probiotic blend with 10 different strains that are Guaranteed Alive so you know they will be alive when they arrive!
- Plus our prebiotic blend to make a complete, tip-to-tail digestive blend.
This will probably be the last digestion blend you'll ever need. Just scroll up and select your package on the upper right to get started...